
Last Updated:  8/12/23

Our pack needs YOUR help putting on the best scouting program we can!

We are an entirely volunteer-run program, and we need everyone pitching in.

Below is a list of volunteer roles we still need to fill for the 2023-24 program year. In

some cases, we are looking for additional people to help others who are already

volunteering. Please take a look and thoughtfully consider whether you might be the

person to take on any of these roles. Even better, find a friend and sign up for

something together. Many hands make light work!

If you have questions about volunteering with the pack and would like more

information about any of these roles and responsibilities, please contact our

Committee Chair, Stephanie Carlson chair@cubpack225.org

Pack Leadership


Membership (2 additional people)

Advancement/Awards (2 additional people)

TIGER (1 st grade) Den Leader


Hikes (2 additional people)

-plan/organize 2-3 local hikes for the pack (early fall, late spring, summer)

Teacher Work Days

-organize a pack outing (bowling; rock climbing; ice skating, etc.) for Oct/Feb work days


Advancement Ceremony (1 additional person)

-organize food and beverages; recruit volunteers to help with set-up/serving/clean-up

for the ceremony in June at Beaver Lake

Blue and Gold (2 additional people)

-work with the pack committee to organize a dessert buffet for the event; acquire

decorations and recruit volunteers to help with set-up/ decorating/ serving/

clean-up for the event in February at Creekside