Class A Uniform & Handbook


The Class A uniform is the default uniform for most Scouting activities.  We wear the Class A uniform to most Pack and Den meetings, parades and ceremonies, and public outings where we are not planning to perform a service where we expect to get dirty and/or plan to be very physically active.

The Class A uniform should be worn properly and respectfully.  Hats should not be worn backwards or sideways.  Shirts should be buttoned and tucked in.  Pants should be a solid blue color and worn with the Cub Scout belt.

Lions (kindergarten Scouts) do not wear Class A uniforms.  They have their own t-shirt uniforms.

Purchasing a Class A uniform & Handbook

You can purchase uniforms and materials in person at the Seattle Trading Post

We have prepared a PDF that you can print and take to the Trading Post here: Printer Friendly Uniform Guide

Hours: Weekdays, Tuesday – Friday: 10am – 5pm (Check their web site for additional peak-season hours and holiday closures.)

Chief Seattle Council Service Center 

3120 Rainier Ave South

Seattle, WA 98144

Phone: 206-725-5200


Web site: 

Purchasing the uniform in person is strongly encouraged and advised because shirt sizes may be hard to predict.  

If this is not possible online ordering is available at 

Rank Handbooks

A Rank Handbook is the official guide to your scout's Rank Adventures and Activities.  The Handbook will explain the program and uniform in greater detail, list the program for each adventure, suggest bonus activities, and allow you to track your Scout's progress.

There is one for each Rank - Tiger, Wolf, Bear, and Webelos.  Lions have their own workbooks, which the Pack will provide.   

First Grade

Second Grade

Third Grade

Fourth and Fifth Grades

The Base Shirt

Remember that your Scout may wear the shirt for several years.  1st or 2nd grade Scouts are encouraged to buy a size they will grow into.

You should buy a blue BSA shirt if your Scout is:

You should buy a khaki shirt and blue shoulder loops if your Scout is:

If your Scout is entering 4th grade, but still has a blue shirt from last year that still fits, you have the option to keep using it.


All Scouts will need:

Belt (1st Grade - 5th Grade)

Tiger (1st Grade)

Tiger (1st Grade)

Tiger (1st Grade)

Wolf (2nd Grade)

Wolf (2nd Grade)

Wolf (2nd Grade)

Bear (3rd Grade)

Bear (3rd Grade)

Bear (3rd Grade)

Webelos (4th and 5th Grade)

Webelos (4th and 5th Grade)

Webelos (4th and 5th Grade)

Webelos Colors

4th and 5th Grade

Starting Patches

Chief Seattle Council Shoulder Patch

Council Rounder

*Only available at the Seattle Trading Post

World Crest Scout Emblem

1910 World Crest Ring 

Pack Number (This will be three patches.

A 2, a 2, and a 5.)

Den Number (ask your Den Leader if you do not kow your Den number)

Patch Placement

Don’t worry about the extra awards, patches, and pins in these photos.  You Scout will have plenty of those soon enough.

Note the blue shoulder loops and the Webelos colors on the khaki shirt.  Both 4th and 5th grade Webelos should have the colors on the right sleeve, even if the Scout is a 4th grader continuing to use a blue shirt.  5th graders should always be in a khaki shirt.

Attaching The Patches

Most people use Badge Magic, however you can sew them on.  Although it is suggested that if you use Badge Magic you still put a stitch in each corner of the Chief Seattle Council shoulder patch as the corners tend to pull way from the curved sleeve.